All rights reserved SANDFOX OÜ 2024
SFT electric vehicle parts
siemens industrial solutions plc profinet S7
Redhat Partner
ibm partner
suse linux
huawei partner

sandfox it solutions

 linux siemens hardware software solutions monitoring zabbix monitooring plc industrial

Credit raport A 2020
Successful estonian company 2023
EAS Toetus
Sandfox OÜ 2016 electric motors kelly electric motors kelly controllers
Credit raport A 2019
All rights reserved SANDFOX OÜ 2019

SFT electric vehicle parts
siemens industrial solutions plc profinet S7
Redhat Partner
ibm partner
suse linux
huawei partner
sandfox it solutions
 linux siemens hardware software solutions monitoring zabbix monitooring plc industrial
 linux siemens hardware software solutions monitoring zabbix monitooring plc industrial

Credit raport A 2020
monitoring zabbix

Linux serverite hooldus haldus redhat andmehoidlad lahendused varundus võrgulahendused monitooring litsentsid

industrial solutions plc siemens profinet tia

Network, operating systems, resources, application and service monitoring.

licensing siemens rhel redhat suse

RedHat, Novell, Micro Focus, Suse, IBM.

Monitoring zabbix estonia system health
Software Licences Redhat Suse novell estonia
it services linux servers solutions
Teenused Lahendused Linux redhat haldus it services linux services administration

Business-critical IT solutions

Sandfox OÜ 2016

PLC , custom solutions , data collection , analytics electric motors kelly electric motors kelly controllers
Industrial solutions PLC siemens software development java javaee

Operating systems setup and maintenance, network testing, storage solutions,

intra- and extranet solutions and web servers.

licensing siemens rhel redhat suse

Solar Charging systems , Offgrid systems ,

Battery storage , Green energy , Solar panels

Offgrid systems , Custom battery storage , Solar Panels , Inverters

Linux serverite hooldus haldus redhat andmehoidlad lahendused varundus võrgulahendused monitooring litsentsid

industrial solutions plc siemens profinet tia
licensing siemens rhel redhat suse

RedHat, Novell, Micro Focus, Suse,


Software Licences Redhat Suse novell estonia
it services linux servers solutions
Teenused Lahendused Linux redhat haldus it services linux services administration

Business-critical IT solutions

Operating systems setup and

maintenance, network testing,

storage solutions, intra- and

extranet solutions and web servers.

monitoring zabbix
licensing siemens rhel redhat suse
industrial solutions plc siemens profinet tia
Industrial solutions PLC siemens software development java javaee

PLC , custom solutions , data

collection , analytics

Monitoring zabbix estonia system health

Network, operating systems,

resources, application and service


Electric Vehicle and Systems


Custom solutions

monitoring zabbix

Electric Vehicle and Systems conversions

                Custom solutions

Custom EV motor conversions for different cars